BitTorrent goes mobile
by AvionarU on 7 November 2006
yep folks, a aparut si asa ceva: client de torrent pt mobile. mai precis, pentru PPC-urile cu Windows Mobile 2003/5 . arata binisor, se misca ok, are cam toate facilitatile de baza, dar nu are rost sa comentam vitezele de transfer… o noua era incepe. o sa mai opreasca astia ascensiunea protocolului BT cand o sa zboare porcu (avand in vedere progresul geneticii, vreo 50 de ani)
WinMobile Torrent is an advanced yet easy-to-use BitTorrent client for Windows Mobile Pocket PC OS. It allows you to create, leech and/or seed torrent files from within the Application. It supports multiple and simultaneous download of torrents with numerous functions to manage, control downloads and peers in a user-friendly interface. […]
Create (v.2.1), Leech, Seed torrent within the application
Selective download to only download files that matter to you (v.2.1)
Multiple trackers supported (v.2.1)
Unique User interface that facilitates single-handed operation for WM 5.0 devices (v.2.1)
Speed setup guide that provides default setting for the most effective performance (v.2.1)
Create torrent wizard that enables you to create torrent from your mobile device (v.2.1)
Extract a completed file from a torrent without having to wait for the torrent to be completely download.
Easily open, copy or paste a torrent file from Windows Mobile file explorer or open it from Pocket Internet Explorer’s download dialog.
Organize all torrents that have been processed into one single directory.
Display over all and individual leeching/seeding graphics.
Expand download item to view all its peers and their connection status.
Log view and file to track download activities.
Add, connect, disconnect or delete peers.
Pause and resume download.
Check tracker’s scape information.
Display individual torrent’s block status within any file in the torrent.
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