Steve Irwin a murit

by AvionarU on 4 September 2006

astazi s-a stins din viata cel mai cunoscut “crocodile hunter” contemporan. sunt sigur ca toti ati vazut cel putin un episod din show-urile lui in salbaticie, in care a stapanit serpi, crocodili si alte animale “prietenoase”. a murit intr-un accident, intepat de o pisica de mare veninoasa, in timp ce facea ce ii placea.R.I.P.

Stephen Robert “Steve” Irwin (22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006) was an Australianenvironmentalist and television personality. He was best known for the television program The Crocodile Hunter, an unconventional wildlife documentary series which he hosted with his wife Terri Irwin. Irwin’s personality and outrageous antics in the series made him an international celebrity. He also owned and operated the Australia Zoo at Beerwah in Queensland.


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