(17:11:23) GoGuK: [mass] da-i un mass lui bobby voicu (cu mersul la votare, cu donat sange, cu orice ai) . vrea sa faca o arhiva cu toate mass-urile care s-au trimis in ultimul an pe net
(17:12:06) AvionarU: lol
(17:12:23) AvionarU: you stole my mah bukkit
(17:12:48) GoGuK: you is teh liahr! I has no your bucket
(17:13:55) AvionarU: mah associates has informed me that you are in possesion of MAH BUCKET
(17:14:23) GoGuK: omgomgomg i has is desconspired. me has been betrayed!
(17:15:00) AvionarU: give mah bukket back, or mah associates will has kill you
(17:17:10) GoGuK: i has will cast teh wall of bucket! i is invulnerable! you associates not be harming me when i is in the wall of bucket i is invulnerable
(17:20:50) AvionarU: i is ownd
(17:21:43) GoGuK: muahahah
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